Sunday, April 15, 2007


Echinoderms live in marine habitats, although they can occasionally survive being washed up and dried on shore. Within marine habitats, Echinoderms can survive in a wide variety of places. Sea Stars and sea cucumbers, for instance, prefer rocky areas while others often reside in sandy areas where they can bury themselves. Some Echinoderms even use other animals as homes such as the skin of other fish. In order to stay concealed during the day, Echinoderms have adapted to match the colour of their surroundings. Also, to protect and structure their bodies, Echinoderms such as sea urchins have interlocking plates of Calcium Carbonate which form a very hard internal skeleton. Others, such as sea stars and brittle stars have slightly more flexible internal skeletons to allow them to flex and bend their arms. Sea cucumbers have barely any Calcium Carbonate, resulting in a very flexible body containing only remnants of a sturdy internal skeleton. Anther adaptation the Echinoderms have is that they can regenerate body parts. This means that if, for example, a sea star's leg gets cut off by a predator, over time it can form a new one.


Unknown said...

I real like this page.

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Thank You!